Wednesday, June 23


at 11:56 PM 0 comments
maybe this is the last post from me
i am goin' to continue my journey as STUDENT at PSIS
eventhough maybe i will be a bz gurls in the town,but no worries i am still update this blog as much as i can.;D

i will miss all the stuff here.(my house)
i will miss my fav tv's shows,miss my fam,miss my friends,n mostly will miss all the craps here.=))

hoping this new semester will bring me a brightfull success
stay focus on studying

::new episode for 'cik kacemate' life::

mixed up!!

at 12:28 AM 0 comments
.just a short update.

..watchin' Toy Story 3 with Zaty..
..had fun..happy..miss her soo much..
..<3<3.. together2..
..lpaks wit Fiera at her house..
..picking up Kak Nurul then around 5 pm..

::miss that boodaq giler::
::at the same time,majuk ngan dye::
::then,rase jealous pon ade::
::next,rase give up::
::later,rase mcm dah x diperlukan lagi::
::the ends,jus hoping evrythin gonna be okay::

Friday, June 18

what a great DAY!!

at 2:20 AM 0 comments
hye peeps..

kelmarin(16 June 2010) haari paling BEST n EXCITING gilerr bg aku.ak ngan kak bella kuh merendekk g Kl Sentral tok jumpe dak2 AF8..hahhaa..kami buat keje yg x penah2 kami buat slama 8 taon af berlangsung...:D
diorang ade program kempen Condemn Israel for saving GAZA with SMS..good charity of course.
n tujuan utama ak adlah utk bertemu NADIA EMILIA ROSELAN atau lebih dikenali Nadd.:)
yes!!!akhirnya ak dpt gak jumpe dak2 af ni dpan2 especially Nadd.n my sista sgt obses dgn Che Amat,tp C.A x dpt, dye just tman ak. kitorang smpai Kl Sentral sgt awal.9 a.m...then kitorang sggop tunggu till 12..program started at 12.30 p.m...lpas je program tu abes,kami semua g serbu dak2 af..hahaha..da mcm program diorang plak.^o^..

pendekkan citer..

ak tegor Nadd.:)) siap jerit name dye lagi.lambai2..hahhaa..siap gtau yg ak la WANIE..(not sure if she remember me or not) hopefully yes!. x sempat pape kitorunk hugging..:))) senyum lebar ak..hahaa..first tyme hug ngan artist..whoot! whoot! hahhaha..funny sgt. tp seriously,Nadd Emilia sgt SPORTING n HAPPENING..unexpectable kelakuannya terhadap fans2 dye..thank you Nadd Emilia..:)
kitorunk smpat smbang2 kejap.then kak suzie gumbira mintak sign segala..pastuh snap2 pic sket then dye kene chow..x lepas peluang snapping with other stdnts..:D 
then,tggu diorang abes mkan..smpat snapping lagi..then i ask Nadd Emila for her signatures on my shirts.:))STYLEE an?? ;pp

malas nk citer panjang lebar lagi..just enjoy pics2 ni..:))

me with bella wateva


student AF8 singing together.;D

meet NER for the first tyme>>HUGS  ;)

.. Nadd Emilia ..


Nadd Emilia with her Fansnaticssss..;pp

special just for me..;DD

~with C.CT~

                                                 ~with C.E~                              ~with C.R~

                                                ~with C.B~                             ~with Rizal~


~bersama mereka2 yg sempat ku kejar~~
(more always be my fav guys!)

itu sahaja coretan kegembiraan ku kali ni..
ada masa,ak akan follow up mereka2 ni especially Nadd.:)
then i'll let u know.
thanx to my sista..n than to Nadd Emilia coz being such be a nice to us.:))
hope to c u gys soon!!
adioz amigosshh..

Wednesday, June 16

at laassttt!!!

at 2:26 AM 0 comments

akhirnyaaa,,,,report ku da siappp.:D
tinggal nk print lmpiran sket n binding jee..hehehee..then,DONE!!!!
gudbye report,welcome PSIS..;)

ape kesah terbaru?
byk...lpak ngn membe2..da lame x lepak rafi bistro lame2 mcm arituh.huhu..thanx Hellena n Leya..luv u both sooo much.! <3<3

then,byk kenal org baruu.kenalan baruu.sgt sronok ngn mreka ni.very sporting n exciting.hahhaha..
last few days rase LOST tade boodaq giler uh..haha..then,td bru cntct dye.:))
dunia ku sudah lengkap kini.dgn adanya disisi..ak semakin ceriaa.:DD
thankiu boodaq! MYSM...hehe.

ade berita baik utk saya..

Rezwanie bt Mohamed Redzuan



sy rase sgt bersyukur,bertuah,beruntung bile dpt taw yg sy dpt dok asrama..^^
tp pd mase same rase serba salah.ngn membe2 lain.-__-''
hurmm..biar r.rezeki masing2 an..;)
dpt plak B2 aras 4,no 15.
blok yg diidamkan...hahhaa.:DD
maybe sy satu bilik ngan syikin.hmmmm......
x saba nk tggu masok poli..lpak ngn ellen.ngan adek.huhu..
tp x bole sukee sgt.ntah2 typooo semua tu.(hopefully betol)

Jmaat,18 June 10>> PSIS!!!tggu,here i come..
INTERVIEW~~~...waaahh..nervous plak.hehehe....

gtg semua.nk tito sudah..ngantokk..@.@
salam....~~ :DD

Sunday, June 13

prasaan ni......

at 1:13 AM 0 comments

da lame rasenye x update blog ni..agak bz nak nyetelkan report.:\
this few days agak penat.-__-''

da lame x contact,texting boodaq tuh.giler lonely da rase.:( nak topupkan pon tataw cane nk share.tadi g stalk blog dye, bace post dye yg sgt depressed tuh rase kesian plak.byk maslah dye an.mcm2 dye kene hadap.even ak x bape knal scr rasmi, tp ak rase sgt kesian n sedeyh.kalo ak kat tmpat dye pon ak stress...but i dont know how to help.harap dapat tolong dye.mesty dye sgt lonely n x jaga  kesihatan an..damn!!if i were there!!!

hope u just doing well disana eh..promise always be there for u even we're far apart.:))

~luv n misshh u so much boodaq giler (b)!!~

Wednesday, June 9


at 9:35 AM 0 comments

I miss u babe..
i miss the thing we had together..
i miss the argument between us..
i miss the laugh..
i miss the tears..
i miss ur caring..
i miss single part of u..
i miss a whole u before..
i miss to be one of ur best friends..

i really miss u z ~

Monday, June 7

quality time with my fam =))

at 4:25 PM 0 comments
dear cik kacemate,
nk membebel pasal these past two days bole??hehehe..

kudapan hari sabtu, 5 June 2010:
pagi yang agak bosan.just lepaks dirumah.habeskan mase nuntun tv.heh.
ptg da organise plan ngan ellen nk lepaks Rafi.haha..giler lame x lepak kt situ ngan die..:)
aorund 4 pm start mengulor.huhuhuhu...lepak2 di Rafi sambil mengumpat.bla bla bla..
tetibe ade makcik ni tarik tlingaku...*siot je..
rupenya kak ila..ngn pakcu.mereka pon join la kami sekaki.*demm,baru nk berdua2 ngn ellen..hahha..nk ngumpat x jadik.;pp
da rayau2 pas makan, nk balek r..thyen anta ellen balek.*kawan yg berhati perot k, anta smpai depan umah

pendekkan citer, ak patah balek ke Ole2..nk join kakak2ku men bowlink..hehehhee..*sanggop uh menapak ke sane..

da lame x men..tgn saket n itu menjadi faktor utama ak kalah smalam..haih..-___-''
men bowlink 2 game sampai mlm..mak bising.hehehe..*act, da bese ngn kebisingan tu.
btw, "mak,jgn risau kami x buat bende jahat" dialog klise. :D
then snap2 kat bowlink..sampai mcm org batak dah ropenye..hahha.

malam balek umah layan anaks buah lagi..hehehehe..best2..penat tapi kalau da layan deme ni ilang penat tros.
tido lewat malam lak tuh.sambong ngumpat ngan kakak2ku...=D

kudapan hari ahad, 6 June 2010:
one word for this day.....BORED!!!!
x buat ape2..tgk tv,tido,tgk tv,tido...haiyai..sgt bosan...
malam layan Mentor.layan Shahir.kol 2 am baru tido..update report..=)

papepon, i had a great weekends by hangout with my family..XD
luv u guys a lot!!!! xoxo..<3<3<3

Saturday, June 5


at 2:42 AM 0 comments
hanging out with my little fella's!!

4 June 2010
ak sanggup amek cuti smate2 nk hang out ngan Ellen n Dal.hehehe.agak lame la x jumpe n lpaks with them lame2 an..
around 1 smpai MID,mencarik parking macam harammm!!bapak ramai giler kot.!haih.kesabaran je penyelasaiannye.straight ke mall.then,kitorunk berempat bepcah.Ellen n Haziq cark Maxis Cntre.ak ngn Dal merayap2 sambil shoppin'!!heaven!i've got what i want..hahaha.cardigan,side bag, and presents for NURSAFIRAH..*da lpas,tp bru nk beli..giler.;p
sodap sgt shoppin'2,smpai lupe tgk jam.almost 2 pm.da r tiket kitorunk kol 2 kot.

LBS of course.*Lagenda Budak Setan(booked) :DD
seb bek da book,tggl amek je.xde la klam kabut.hehe.
nk citer pasal LBS,bek korunk tgk sndiri.
but, one word for it,BEST!! good job AHADIAT AKASHAH n mr.director.the whoole story was awesome!
faktor utama ak tgk citer tu,,FARID KAMIL n LISA SURIHANI..giler mmg best weyh dowang blakon.sgt sweet!sgt bodo sweet!n sgt menjadk wataknye.(Q espc)

enuf for the muvies..
lepakkings with Dal n ellen.shoppiing...hahha..
then smpat ngumpat kot.da lame kot x sembng2 cam tuh.n hope esok ptg bole lpak lagi ngan diorang.wink2..;p

almost 10 pm baru kitorunk smpai s.a..lamabt giler an..kuar x igt dunia daa..hahhaa..
balek penat.letih.lapa.ngantok.
*tp smpai skunk x tido2 lagi.haih...-___-''

btw, THANX ELLEN,DAL n HAZIQ make my Friday so great!! luv u guys!espc,Dal n Ellen.:))

i got something for ya!
at 2:17 AM 0 comments

last nyte was very damn nyte i've ever had in my whole month really..
first of all,sorry babe if along kurang bg perhatian kt u lately.i am quite bz larh.with my report and my illness. i hope u will understand my situation.

its just hurt when the words came from urs.i thought i might lost u aftr last nyte.
i am SOO EMO been thinking what u said..i cant sleep well.i am crying like hell!!damn!i hate that feeling.

jus dont know why,im afraid to loose u sis.
but,dunt worry.i've forgive u sis.thanx for the concern.:)

Thursday, June 3

thank you zaty

at 9:15 AM 1 comments
thanx to u my friend. :) 
thanx babe coz just being there.
thanx babe coz u make a new COMEBACK!! ;D
thanx babe coz pick up my call last night.that was a great night yesterday.since we've never been talk to each other so long, i am so much happy to heard ur voices.:))
i know u r happy ryte now.i know u just fall in love to ur 'syg' ryte.i am happy for u too.
may ur relations last long forever n ever babe..!my pray always be with u.

thank you sooo much!! :)

Wednesday, June 2


at 1:03 AM 0 comments
dear cik kacemate,

hati ak semakin hari semakin susah nk dipaham.ak pon da makin konpius ngn diri ak yang x tetap pendirian ni.sesuai ke ayat tu?haha..maybe bkn x tetap pendirian,tp mudah cair..

td si dia bg respond kat ak.n dont noe why,ak balas 'RSVP' dye.hehe.and ntah kenapa tibe2 prasaan marah,benci,kecik aty and geramm semua tu HILANG bile dpt chat ngn dye.ape yg aku rase kan td prasaan HAPPY,TERHARU,n BERSYUKUR. mungkin sekeras2 aty ak,didalamnya masih ade jeli,agar2 ataupun aishkrim yg dah cair di tgah2 panas.ak pon clueless ngn hati ak ni.

papepon,ape yg dia ckapkan td semuanya ak terima ngn aty yg terbuka.:) ak harap benda x jadik balek. penat dah nk menyentap.penat dah nk menanges.dah cukop kering ak menanges sbb dia.ak pon xtau kenapa td ngn tibe2 ak menitiskan airmata yang dah semmgnya kering bile chat ngn dia .ak xtau titisan air mata tu untuk ape.mungkin HAPPY.mungkin jugak yg ak tau,ak xkan lupakan time td.:DD mimpi2 ak slama ni mungkin berbaloi.

thanx dear,u makes my life happier now.terima kasih Ya Allah, Kau telah kabulkan doaku.alhamdulillah..
xde sape yg ak syg selain dia.dia org pertama buat ak macmni,dia jugak org terakhir bg ak.dia jugak soulmate ak buat slama2nya.walaupon ak tau padahnya..

~thanx awk!! luv awk!! xoxo.:D~

Tuesday, June 1

REPORT again n again

at 1:33 AM 0 comments

maseh lagi dlm proses buat report.haih, bile mau siap tataw lar.da nk abes, baru menggagau buat report.tu la padan muke kau.len kali buat,ak bkn x buat awl,cume yg bab topik2 je blom keyh.yg lain tu awl2 da siap..heee..;) 

x kesa la ape alasannye, yg penting kau kene siapkan sebelom 11 aribulan ni..yg harian punye kau x amek port ag kan..damn!! bnyk giler rupenye keje ak tertangguh..(bagos sgt kan cik kacemate, anda mmg seorang yg sgt cuai n PEMALAS!!) =___=''

da laa..nk g sambong buat report.kalau x, xtau bile nk siap ni.chow cin chow dulu eh..
babai..adioz amigoss..!! ;DD

p/s:mood tension,boring, blurr *mix all up and u will have me now. ;)

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