hanging out with my little fella's!!
4 June 2010
ak sanggup amek cuti smate2 nk hang out ngan Ellen n Dal.hehehe.agak lame la x jumpe n lpaks with them lame2 an..
around 1 smpai MID,mencarik parking macam harammm!!bapak ramai giler kot.!haih.kesabaran je penyelasaiannye.straight ke mall.then,kitorunk berempat bepcah.Ellen n Haziq cark Maxis Cntre.ak ngn Dal merayap2 sambil shoppin'!!heaven!i've got what i want..hahaha.cardigan,side bag, and presents for NURSAFIRAH..*da lpas,tp bru nk beli..giler.;p
sodap sgt shoppin'2,smpai lupe tgk jam.almost 2 pm.da r tiket kitorunk kol 2 kot.
LBS of course.*Lagenda Budak Setan(booked) :DD
seb bek da book,tggl amek je.xde la klam kabut.hehe.
nk citer pasal LBS,bek korunk tgk sndiri.
but, one word for it,BEST!! good job AHADIAT AKASHAH n mr.director.the whoole story was awesome!
faktor utama ak tgk citer tu,,FARID KAMIL n LISA SURIHANI..giler mmg best weyh dowang blakon.sgt sweet!sgt bodo sweet!n sgt menjadk wataknye.(Q espc)
enuf for the muvies..
lepakkings with Dal n ellen.shoppiing...hahha..
then smpat ngumpat kot.da lame kot x sembng2 cam tuh.n hope esok ptg bole lpak lagi ngan diorang.wink2..;p
almost 10 pm baru kitorunk smpai s.a..lamabt giler an..kuar x igt dunia daa..hahhaa..
balek penat.letih.lapa.ngantok.
*tp smpai skunk x tido2 lagi.haih...-___-''
btw, THANX ELLEN,DAL n HAZIQ make my Friday so great!! luv u guys!espc,Dal n Ellen.:))
i got something for ya!