kelmarin(16 June 2010) haari paling BEST n EXCITING gilerr bg aku.ak ngan kak bella kuh merendekk g Kl Sentral tok jumpe dak2 AF8..hahhaa..kami buat keje yg x penah2 kami buat slama 8 taon af berlangsung...:D
diorang ade program kempen Condemn Israel for saving GAZA with SMS..good charity of course.
n tujuan utama ak adlah utk bertemu NADIA EMILIA ROSELAN atau lebih dikenali Nadd.:)
yes!!!akhirnya ak dpt gak jumpe dak2 af ni dpan2 especially Nadd.n my sista sgt obses dgn Che Amat,tp C.A x dpt, dye just tman ak. kitorang smpai Kl Sentral sgt awal.9 a.m...then kitorang sggop tunggu till 12..program started at 12.30 p.m...lpas je program tu abes,kami semua g serbu dak2 af..hahaha..da mcm program diorang plak.^o^..
pendekkan citer..
ak tegor Nadd.:)) siap jerit name dye lagi.lambai2..hahhaa..siap gtau yg ak la WANIE..(not sure if she remember me or not) hopefully yes!. x sempat pape kitorunk hugging..:))) senyum lebar ak..hahaa..first tyme hug ngan artist..whoot! whoot! hahhaha..funny sgt. tp seriously,Nadd Emilia sgt SPORTING n HAPPENING..unexpectable kelakuannya terhadap fans2 dye..thank you Nadd Emilia..:)
kitorunk smpat smbang2 kejap.then kak suzie gumbira mintak sign segala..pastuh snap2 pic sket then dye kene chow..x lepas peluang snapping with other stdnts..:D
then,tggu diorang abes mkan..smpat snapping lagi..then i ask Nadd Emila for her signatures on my shirts.:))STYLEE an?? ;pp
malas nk citer panjang lebar lagi..just enjoy pics2 ni..:))
me with bella wateva
student AF8 singing together.;D
meet NER for the first tyme>>HUGS ;)
.. Nadd Emilia ..
Nadd Emilia with her Fansnaticssss..;pp
special just for me..;DD
~with C.CT~
~with C.E~ ~with C.R~
~with C.B~ ~with Rizal~
~bersama mereka2 yg sempat ku kejar~~
(more always be my fav guys!)
itu sahaja coretan kegembiraan ku kali ni..
ada masa,ak akan follow up mereka2 ni especially Nadd.:)
then i'll let u know.
thanx to my sista..n than to Nadd Emilia coz being such be a nice to us.:))
hope to c u gys soon!!
adioz amigosshh..
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